A Foot to Stand On

Treating A Metatarsal Stress Fracture

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When you participate in a sport such as running, which has you on your feet hour after hour, it is not unusual for metatarsal stress fractures to occur. These small fractures in the metatarsal bones, which run along the top of your foot, generally heal without any complications. But you do need to put the time and effort into properly treating this injury and allowing it to heal. Here’s how to do that.…

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Ingrown Toenail? Treatments That Can Help

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Ingrown toenails occur when the side of the nail grows in towards the skin next to the toe or curls in towards the nail bed, rather than up. If you have an ingrown toenail, you’ll often know it because of the distinct pain in the side of the toe where the toenail is growing in. Proper treatment of an ingrown toenail is important, as leaving it to grow the way that it is can not only be painful, it can be the cause for a number of other issues such as a change in your gait or a hindrance from activities.…

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Bunion Surgery: Your Path Towards Freedom

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Imagine being able to walk without pain. If you have bunions, this might seem like a far-off dream — one you’ve long assumed you’d never be able to live again. However, with surgery, it can be your reality. For many, bunion surgery is a path towards freedom, in spite of the pain and discomfort experienced during the recovery period. Here’s a closer look at the freedoms you’ll experience if you choose to go through with the surgery.…

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